Below is a list of main projects that I have been working on and the related publications. In addition to them, I also work on some side projects on various topics with my awesome collaborators.
This project aims to understand the socio-technical implications of AI-enabled consumer-facing health technology. It's currently led by my PhD student Yue You.
Selected Publications:
Yue You, Chun-Hua Tsai, Yao Li, Fenglong Ma, Christopher Heron, Xinning Gui. 2023. Beyond Self-diagnosis: How a Chatbot-based Symptom Checker Should Respond (to appear). ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI)
Yue You, Renkai Ma, Xinning Gui. 2022. User Experience of Symptom Checkers: A Systematic Review. Proceedings of American Medical Informatics Association 2022 Annual Symposium (AMIA 2022)
Yue You, Yubo Kou, Xianghua Ding, Xinning Gui. 2021. The Medical Authority of AI: A Study of AI-enabled Consumer-Facing Health Technology. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2021 (CHI 2021)
Chun-Hua Tsai, Yue You, Xinning Gui, Yubo Kou, John M. Carroll. 2021. Exploring and Promoting Diagnostic Transparency and Explainability in Online Symptom Checkers. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2021 (CHI 2021)
Yue You, Xinning Gui. 2020. Self-Diagnosis through Chatbot-based Symptom Checkers: User Experiences and Design Considerations. Proceedings of American Medical Informatics Association 2020 Annual Symposium (AMIA 2020)
Enhancing Privacy, Security, and Safety in Health Technologies
This project delves into the critical issues of privacy, security, and safety within the realm of health technologies. We are living in an era where online platforms and mobile apps constantly collect, analyze, and broker our data. Privacy and safety concerns are paramount in the face of emergent international affairs and shifting regulatory apparatus. This project is currently led by my student Qiurong Song.
Selected Publications:
Qiurong Song, Renkai Ma, Yubo Kou, Xinning Gui. 2024. Collective Privacy Sensemaking on Social Media about Period and Fertility Tracking post Roe v. Wade. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW’2024).
Qiurong Song, Rie Helene (Lindy) Hernandez, Yubo Kou, Xinning Gui. “Our Users’ Privacy is Paramount to Us”: A Discourse Analysis of How Period and Fertility Tracking App Companies Address the Roe v Wade Overturn. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2024 (CHI 2024).
This project explores the application of quantified self and others' data in the management of personal health, virtual teamwork, and finance. This project is currently led by my student Rie Helene (Lindy) Hernandez.
Selected Publications:
Xinning Gui, Yu Chen, Clara Caldeira, Dan Xiao, Yunan Chen. 2017. When Fitness Meets Social Networks: Investigating Social and Fitness Practices on WeRun. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2017 (CHI 2017) [Acceptance rate: 25%]
Yubo Kou, Xinning Gui. 2018. Entangled with Numbers: Quantified Self and Others in a Team-Based Online Game. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Vol 2, No. CSCW, Article 93 (CSCW 2018 second cycle) (Best Paper Honorable Mention Award) [Acceptance rate: 25.6%; , Honorable Mention: top 2.7%]
Xianghua Ding, Shuhan Wei, Xinning Gui, Ning Gu, Peng Zhang. 2020. Data Engagement Reconsidered: A Study of Automatic Stress Tracking Technology in Use. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2021 (CHI 2021)
Rie Helene (Lindy) Hernandez, Qiurong Song, Yubo Kou, Xinning Gui. “At the end of the day, I am accountable”: Gig Workers’ Self-Tracking for Multi-Dimensional Accountability Management. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2024 (CHI 2024)
This project aims to understand individual health consumers’ practices of navigating through the complex and fragmented health care landscape, and leverage empirical research to inform design to support such navigation practices.
Selected Publications:
Xinning Gui, Yunan Chen. 2020. Making Healthcare Infrastructure Work: Unpacking the Infrastructuring Work of Individuals. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2019 (CHI 2019) (Best Paper Honorable Mention Award) [Acceptance rate: 23.8%]
Xianghua Ding, Xinning Gui, Xiaojuan Ma, Yunan Chen, and Zhaofei Ding. 2020. Getting the Healthcare We Want: the Use of Online "Ask the Doctor" Platforms in Practice. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2020 (CHI 2020) (Best Paper Honorable Mention Award) [Acceptance rate: 24.31%]
Clara Caldeira, Xinning Gui, Tera L Reynolds, Matthew Bietz, Yunan Chen. 2020. Managing Healthcare Conflicts When Living With Multiple Chronic Conditions. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.
Yubo Kou, Xinning Gui, Yunan Chen, Bonnie Nardi. 2020. Turn to the Self in Human-Computer Interaction: Care of the Self in Negotiating the Human-Technology Relationship. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2019 (CHI 2019) [Acceptance rate: 23.8%]
Xinning Gui, Yunan Chen, Kathleen Pine. 2018. Navigating the Healthcare Service “Black Box”: Individual Competence and Fragmented System. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 2, CSCW, Article 61 (CSCW 2018 second cycle) [Acceptance rate: 25.6%]
Xiaojuan Ma, Xinning Gui, Jiayue Fan, Mingqian Zhao, Yunan Chen, Kai Zheng. 2018 Professional Medical Advice at your Fingertips: An empirical study of an online "Ask the Doctor" Platform. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Vol 2, No. CSCW, Article 116 (CSCW 2018 second cycle) [Acceptance rate: 25.6%]
Charlotte Tang, Xinning Gui, Yunan Chen, Mohamed Magueramane. 2018. New to a Country: Barriers for International Students to Access Health Services and Opportunities for Design. Proceedings of the EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare 2018 (PervasiveHealth 2018) [Acceptance rate: 24%]
Xinning Gui, Yu Chen, Yubo Kou, Kathleen Pine, Yunan Chen. 2017. Investigating Support Seeking from Peers for Pregnancy in Online Health Communities. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Vol 1, No. CSCW, Article 50 (CSCW 2018 online first) [Acceptance rate: 27.3%] ​
This project focuses on understanding how citizens interact with the fragmented and complex public health infrastructure and make informed decisions during public health crises.
Selected Publications:
Xinning Gui, Yao Li, Yanlai Wu. 2021. Guardian Collaboration for Emergency Remote Learning in the COVID-19 Crisis.​Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW’2021).
Chun-Hua Tsai, Xinning Gui, Yubo Kou, John M. Carroll. With Help from Afar: Cross-Local Communication in an Online COVID-19 Pandemic Community. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW’2021).
Xinning Gui, Yubo Kou, Kathleen Pine, Elisa Ladaw, Harold Kim, Eli Suzuki-Gill, Yunan Chen. 2018.Multidimensional Risk Communication: Public discourse on Risks during an Emerging Epidemic. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2018 (CHI 2018) [Acceptance rate: 25.7%]
Xinning Gui, Yue Wang, Yubo Kou, Tera Leigh Reynolds, Yunan Chen, Qiaozhu Mei, Kai Zheng. 2017. Understanding the Patterns of Health Information Dissemination on Social Media during the Zika Outbreak. Proceedings of American Medical Informatics Association 2017 Annual Symposium (AMIA 2017)
Xinning Gui, Yubo Kou, Katie Pine, Yunan Chen. 2017. Managing Uncertainty: Using Social Media for Risk Assessment during a Public Health Crisis. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2017 (CHI 2017) (Best Paper Honorable Mention Award) [Acceptance rate: 25%, Honorable Mention: top 5%]
Yubo Kou, Xinning Gui, Yunan Chen, Kathleen Pine. 2017. Conspiracy Talk on Social Media: Collective Sensemaking during a Public Health Crisis. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Vol 1, No. CSCW, Article 61 (CSCW 2018 online first) [Acceptance rate: 27.3%]
Tera L. Reynolds, Xinning Gui, Yunan Chen, Kai Zheng. 2019. Understanding U.S. Adults’ Zika Virus Risk Perceptions and Mitigation Behaviors to Improve Technology-Supported Risk Communication. Proceedings of the 17th World Congress of Medical and Health Informatics (MEDINFO 2019)